NCS Leading Edge Wrestling champions
Wrestling practice started in November and the Takedown Tournament was in December. During the season we played against many schools including Mill’s and Capital Christian. Our team included LE and PFAA students.
Ryan: We won the championship with our hard work and coach’s coaching. In this season of wrestling everyone did a great job! We all went to practice Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. Our best was Eric, he has done wrestling for 7 years. So everyone who watched him learned from him. In the championships we had around 7 people with a gold medal. In the championships we went against Bradshaw, Capital Christian, and Mills. When we heard our name get called up for 1st place in the championships we got so happy. We got to hold up the 1st place banner as a team.
The Students that were on the Team
By Jhawn Amyr
Jhawn Amyr , Robert , Jaxon , Ryan , Evan , Zion , Jair , Eli
Eric Buchco, Yathin Murdal, Diego, Gage, Richen, Toby, Aiden, Izel, Max, Julion, Angelo, Daniel, and Meric.
Our Coach’s names: Our main couch is Coach Randel and our second coach is Coach Green
Who got gold ?
By: Evan
There were six people on our team who got gold. And the team won the championships. Izel, Ryan, Diego, Angelo, Eric, Aiden. And are team won the championships. Our team got 1st place out of 5th. That is gold winner!!
By Jaxson
Placing for the tournament/ Jaxson
First place: Natomas Charter School
Second place: Mitchell
Third Place: Bradshaw Christian
Fourth place: Capital Christian
Fifth Place: Mills