Friday, February 27, 2015

Our Upcycling Quest by Anshul

Trash really affects our planet. Not just does one world together affect our world but , even just a city or a house in a city. So many things are being thrown away like chip bags, caprisun pouches, and even the unnoticeable items, toilet rolls. Just toilet rolls affect Sacramento in a larger amount that you could imagine. Just the amount of toilet rolls used in Sacramento is about 54 foot ball fields a year , and millions of toilet rolls. This can tell us to be more concerned about the things we don’t notice much. In that fifty four football fields, so much other things can be done to make the people happier. If just toilet rolls can be upcycled so much things will be saved. It can be used in building projects too. You can use one for a holder and there is so many more.

In school we are also trying to upcycle. Some of the things being collected are chip bags, and capri sun pouches. Bethany, Lauren, Mohammad, and Joshua are making bins to collect snack bags and drink pouches. Lauren and Bethany have made two bins already that are in Mrs. Bibayoff's room. They already are filling up. These items are being sent to Terracycle, which is a company that creatively makes other things out of these items and sells them. One of the things being made are capri sun backpacks. If you upcycle you can get some of the things that you can't get anywhere else. Let’s Upcycle!!!


  1. This is a really important topic, I hope your quest goes well.

  2. I am very excited to send the waste to TerraCycle after we collect! We have gotten really far with out D.O.T. project and I hope people will want to make a change in upcycling waste or by creating less trash.

  3. This is a really cool and exciting project. I am happy that we are thinking Globally for our school. They also make the coolest stuff!

  4. It's really great that you guys are sending waste to TerraCycle. If you guys need any help, please ask me. I hope something good comes out of all your work.

  5. Good job explaining why upcycling was needed for the environment. Upcycling seems like a really cool idea, and to everyone who is planning to upcycle for their D.O.T idea: good job and good luck! I hope that plan goes successfully.

  6. This projects sounds like a great idea! I hope that you guys have a lot of success! good luck in the future with the idea.

  7. This projects sounds like a great idea! I hope that you guys have a lot of success! good luck in the future with the idea.

  8. Up-cycling is a great way to help the environment!! Nice blog!

  9. I hope you guys are having fun with Up-cycling because we are working on it like a long time .

  10. Really proud of you guys for pulling it off!

  11. Good job explaining why upcycling was needed for the environment. Upcycling seems like a really cool idea and that is a good step for to everyone who is planning to upcycle for their D.O.T project.Upcycling is a great way to the help the environment,this project sounds like a good idea and an exiting project Have Fun working on it!!!!!!!

  12. Have you try telling your parents don't throw away this because we can upcycle? I will.

  13. this is a great way to use recycled things

  14. Great Job Anshul! My group is doing compost as our focus on DOT. I hope you guys propel this idea forward. I also would like to tell you that I felt you did a great job explaining what upcycle is. Are you working with Manelle and Lauren's group? I wasn't clear on that part.

    1. Great job Anshul! part of our idea was to have terra cycle in our school too. Lets hope it ends well.

  15. Awesome Anshull. The whole school has been recycling and making a change because of D.O.T.

  16. I think it's great that a group is working towards this and is doing so well. I put things in the bins every day. Great post Anshul!

  17. Are you guys still doing the Terracycle recycling? My husband and I strongly believe in this cause and would love to help contribute our items.
