We have just finished the India unit in core and are now switching into the China unit. In 6th grade at Leading Edge, we change topics about the world over the course of the year. The India unit was really fun. We learned about India's culture, geography, government, and more. But the best part of the India unit was Indian Cultural day. During Indian Cultural day the 6th grade started with rangoli which is chalk art. During the Indian cultural day, there were also performances in the Multipurpose room that included dances, skits, puppet show, and Taiko which is Japanese drumming. Also during the Indian cultural day, we were fortunate enough for volunteers to bring Indian food. The food was delicious and made your mouth water. The India unit was really fun and exciting to learn about but now the 6th grade is transitioning into the China unit.

So far, the China unit has been really fun. Even though we just started this week, we have been doing a lot. In core, we have been learning about the government, geography, culture, and more. We also have been creating artistic zodiac wheels. Zodiac wheels are wheels that have an animal representing dates a person was born. Zodiac wheels are based on a time long ago when a race was carried with animals. During that race, 13 animals raced. There are only 12 spots on the zodiac wheel so one animal did not make it. Each animal on the wheel that made it represents a date people were born in.
In expressions, the 6th graders have also been making dragons. The dragons that have been created are colorful and beautiful. Some people even were even made their dragon picture look as if the dragon was glowing. Dragons are very important to China because it is said that they have the power to control the weather. It is also said the dragon is important to the Chinese culture because they are a symbol of strength and have a sense of being a good luck charm. In expressions, we have also created Chinese writing on a piece of white paper. It was fun to experience how the Chinese people right, although it was a bit difficult.

Overall, the China unit has been really fun so far. We have only been studying China for a week and
have already been doing fun projects. I hope we learn more about China and create fun colorful pieces of artwork. I am excited to see what we will do later on in the China unit.