Thursday, December 7, 2017

India Maps by Maggie B.

            Before                 After                              

On Wednesday November 29, 2017 we made India maps with salt dough! The first thing we need to do was make to the salt dough which is made of salt, flour and water. When the salt dough was finished Mrs. Bibayoff got cardboard boxes from her car with the help of Mission Impossibles and the class got into groups of two and started to make India and the boarding things. The class used textbooks to map out India, the bordering countries, and the Himalayas. The class waited until Tuesday to paint the Maps because the dough wasn’t drying and on Tuesday December 5 we painted them and on Wednesday December the class labeled them and put some finishing touches. At the end the class felt like we were in India!

The maps were painted with yellow, brown, and blue paint the class was each given on small and big brush to paint the maps. Most of the class started to paint the sea and not the land. Some of the class said the paint was hard to put on because the dough wasn’t hard enough. The next day we were got to make the key and label the land and ocean. Some of the groups made elevation chart to show what the colors other just put down what the colors both great ideas. This project was a success and all the groups maps turned out great.

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