Friday, September 14, 2018

Early Humans Unit by David and Atharv

Image result for stone toolsHello, people of Leading Edge! Today, David and Atharv have decided to do a blog post on the project of early humans museum and the unit. Our museum project is specifically about the homo erectus. Other groups are focusing on other topics like Homo Habilis, Homo Neanderthal, Early farmers, and hunter-gatherers. For the project, people have tasks to complete like making a presentation, making a diorama, or making life-sized cardboard models! We even got to play a game about hunter-gatherers vs farmers and we chose farmer because we literally farmed candy and eat our rations (Hershey kisses). The game was also very fun because we got to use our imaginations and made forts, it was a lot of fun being in the shoes if the early farmers. Other people also got to be animals like deer, bears, and some even gotta be the great one and only hunter-gatherers!

It was really fun because we got to do a lot of great activities! In these team, we created special types of exhibits. In these teams were the student leader that would put us on task and made them focus so they could get the job done. The project has been a success so far for many people, no one has broken down yet which is good and people have worked together like clockwork! Thank you for listening to our Blog! We hope that you have a good time reading your blog as much as we did making it!
Our authors show off one of their museum artifacts.

1 comment:

  1. Great job you guys did a super job i like that you showed of one of your artifacts. You is so good great job
