Friday, September 7, 2018

Leading Edge Student Sports By: Emily and Samara

Here’s the scoop on how sports are going so far in the fall season at Leading Edge:

Mr. Shane’s Perspective

“I think the teams have been working really hard,” says Mr. Shane the P.E teacher and coach of the boys' soccer and cross country team. He says that he thinks the teams have responsibly dedicated their time to the sports and that their hard work has paid off. He thinks the Volleyball varsity players are “Champs” and that they are playing well.

Pep talk before winning the game
against Bradshaw.
Photo by Karisa Bibayoff

Boys’ Soccer

As most of the boys' soccer team would say “It’s really fun to play at the games.” As Jacob (an eighth-grade player that has been on the team for quite a while) “Everyone has good sportsmanship and the coaches are really experienced.” Another person said, “It's really fun to play other teams.” Another mentioned, “Most of the people we play have good sportsmanship.”

Girls Volleyball

JV Girls won their first set against Bradshaw.
Photo by Maggie Bufflebe
We were able to interview a couple people on the Volleyball team and one girl on Varsity named Ava says “Some teams we’ve played had good sportsmanship, (like Bradshaw) but others (like Mills) weren’t very nice.” We heard that “One of the best parts are doing warm-ups and sometimes I get really nervous but excited too.” Also, the team is so far on a losing streak but the practices have been better.

Cross Country Team

“It’s fun to progress and get better,” says Nick, one of the runners on the cross country team. Even says “The best part is meeting new people and the coaches.” While interviewing a few runners they all had a lot to say about the coaches. All of them agreed that the coaches were “experienced and really nice.” “The coaches let you work at your own pace and they push you, but not in a strict way,” says Maya Goodwin. We heard that it wasn't a very competitive sport and that it was mainly about what you can do, not what others can. We also heard people have really good attitudes even if they don’t run the fastest.

The season is just getting started! Everyone is welcome to cheer on the team at the games. Most are on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Check the schedule with Mr. Shane or in Mrs. Bibayoff's room.

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