Friday, December 4, 2015

India Maps by Alyssa and Grace

India 4.jpgIndia 3.jpg
Ancient India is fascinating to learn about! In our unit for ancient India, we have been learning a lot about everything India from a long time ago. Learning about how the Indus Valley civilizations formed, how they ended, and all the other things like their culture. We really enjoy all the projects that we have done. The best one was the relief map. We have learned a lot about ancient India and can’t wait to learn more.
We have not completely finished the relief maps yet, on Tuesday, we had just started them. We started of by drawing the lines of longitude and latitude, which took longer than we expected. After that we molded the land into the cardboard box. When I did it, I did not know there was flour to stick on our hands in so the the dough stick, so the dough cover our hands and the desks. We’ll be painting them on Monday once the dough is dry. Overall it was fun, but messy.


  1. Alyssa and Grace, I know, I can't wait to learn more about the subject especially CASTE systems. And also agreed, it was very messy. (P.S This was an awesome article and an awesome subject!)

    1. I agree, it is a really fun subject to learn about

  2. Alyssa and Grace,
    I think that the maps were an effective way to learn the geography of India and I like how you explained the dough and how we made it.

  3. I can't wait to start coloring this awesome project. I really like this blog too, I like the way you shared your thoughts and gave info.

  4. Alyssa and Grace,
    I think that the maps were an effective way to learn the geography of India and I like how you explained the dough and how we made it.

  5. Dear Alyssa and Grace
    I like how you did your blog on India since we're learning about it and there RAJA's

  6. I am so excited to start coloring and finish this project!! I think this project is a very fun way to learn about it.

  7. I think you girls did a great job articulating the idea of this project. I think it was a great project and I can't wait to learn more.

  8. Dear Alyssa and Grace
    I can't wait to do the Project. This is and effective wait to learn about India

  9. This seems like a great way to learn about the geography of India. It will be an effective part of our learning.

  10. I can't wait to start learning about Ancient India and their caste sysytem.

  11. I think making the India will have a big impact on learning more about Ancient India.

  12. This was a great way to learn about India. I think that this is a way to confront the geography of India.
