Thursday, February 28, 2019

Marin Headlands Field Trip

On February 20 my class took a field trip to the Marin Headlands that are close to the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. We were there for parts of three days.

We did a lot of fun things while we were there but, something I really enjoyed was Point Bonita lighthouse. I had gone there with my family when I was in the first grade but didn’t remember much about it now.

On Thursday February 21 my group went on a long hike to the lighthouse after climbing a really steep hill and going through a tunnel. After that we had to go over a wiggly, white, wooden bridge. As I was crossing the bridge a couple of my group members shook the bridge,
making me grab hold. It was funny!

We couldn’t go into the lighthouse that day, but we had amazing views of the ocean water and waves. It was cool.

It was a great field trip!


  1. I really like the picture and i like how it talks about the lighthouse because it is awesome and beautiful. jaxson aurich

  2. I liked how you talked about the point Bonita light house it was one of my favorite parts. I really enjoyed walking on the bridge because I felt the sway.
