Friday, December 13, 2019

India Day Bazaar by Manteg and Noah

On the day of the bazaar. people are going to make booths with projects. There will be one hands on activity and information. It will be on wednesday of next week. It is a school event. Anyone can come to the India Day Bazaar.During the Indian bazaar we will have a slide show that we are presenting with one item. The slide show will have a little information about the topic we are researching. For our bazaar, we are researching about ancient Indian chess.Because Alex me and meant it like to play chess a lot. Other groups might be doing stuff related to ancient India. Some groups might be cooking food for the Hands-On activity. It will be located in the Leading Edge area by the MPR.
Image result for Indian bazaarImage result for Indian bazaarImage result for indian street bazaar


  1. Good job on your blog post! You put a lot of detail into it. We liked the pictures.

  2. Olivia and sambriddiDecember 13, 2019 at 9:06 AM

    We really like your pictures.We are also excited for the bazaar next week.

  3. Jonathan & Victor 👌December 13, 2019 at 9:07 AM

    Your blog post is very descriptive. I also like your choice of pictures.

  4. This blog was very detailed and I feel the pictures really helped me visualize what was going on in the writing of your blog. I liked how you used details from your life in this blog, it brings it to life.

  5. Ooh. Cool! I hope I go to the Indian bazaar!

  6. This choice of your blog was really cool and you guys were very responsible in turning in a good blog post.

  7. This blog was fantastic! It showed real pics of the Indian Bazaar and was very detailed with the facts. Great job and keep up the outstanding work. :)

  8. Great job on your blog post. We really liked the pictures you used, it helped us visualize what the bazaar is going to look like.

  9. Me and dj like it when you put lots of detail

  10. I think the information that you gave us was helpful and other people will like to come to the India Day Bazaar.

  11. You did good on your blog. your pictures are very epic

  12. we really liked your blog post and it had a few noble keys.We also really like the pictures.
