Thursday, May 28, 2015

Videos, Animations, Games: Choose Your Own Mystery Projects

Axel's Gamestar Mechanic Creation has tons of book tie-ins.
Some people enjoy making and starring in videos while others prefer to write a story. Some are up for a new tech challenge like designing their own animation or video game while others like timelines and charts.

Sixth grade had the chance to choose how they would honor the mystery book of their choice with our latest Language Arts Assignment: Mystery Choices Menu. Mrs. Bibayoff's Core class took a closer look at the projects (there were more than 40 digital submissions from her Core class alone) to rate which ones were the best of the best! Here are the top best nominations:

Why It's Great
More CommentsType/Link5
TrevorGives me a good understanding of the bookuse more words on the reason why you put that rating.Blog Entry5
Michael NortonVery Informative about book and showed much effortWhy you chose the background of a roadTimeline5
JohnPatrick S.I really liked his ending better that the real oneI wanted to hear more about what happened after but I have nothing for an Idea for changesNew Ending5
RyanI liked the trailer and all the suspense and it really make me want to read the book.I would not change anything, but the grammar isn't on point, but it was really good.Video5
Shane Hthe story was very interesting and i just wanted to keep reading and wanted more.I wouldn't change anything.mystery story5
Shane HI liked how he used effective dialogue and how you could tell that he put in a lot of time and effort on his animation.
I liked the sound effects and it had a clear summary.
I thought it was really great and there wasn't really anything to change.

The backgrounds and music really reflected the book.
(Must be Logged into Powtoon to work)
Lauren ChangI loved how she put in a picture of a scene and I enjoyed her blog.If I could change 1 thing, I would put more adjectives in the blog.
Blog Entry

Axel MReally fun!Explain the keys for new playersGame Star Game (Must be Logged into Game Star Mechanic to work)5
TrevorHad dialog to know what was happeningTake about what happened in the original endingNew Ending5

Students enjoyed testing out the board games in class (from those who'd chosen that option).


  1. Everyone's projects were amazing with lots of effort put into each one of them. Many fun games and amazing trailers were shown with a big applause. Great job everyone!

  2. Everyone did great. It seemed like many people put in a lot of effort and used their time wisely. Great intro paragraph made blog seem interesting.Good job on the blog

  3. People chose wisely!
